United by Mission

I grew this summer in ways I would not have imagined. The biggest thing I noticed was that our ACMNP team was all very different.

We each came from different parts of the country, different denominations, and different opinions.

Something we all had in common was our love for Jesus and our desire to share it with others. You don’t have to have the same interests as someone, what unites a group is the mission. Our mission: to spread the love of Christ to others.

United by Mission

I believe my beliefs were challenged when I realized that. I learned new ways of looking at things and really tried to get to the core of why I believe what I do.

Rebecca H., Mount Rainier National Park, 2015

Join an experience that will transform your life

The Lord said, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

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