My summer at Bullfrog was marked by moments of embodying and extending the love of Jesus Christ through impactful conversations and interactions, placing little nuggets of wisdom and truth in people’s lives, whether tourists or friends in the park.
This summer was a constant opportunity to minister to those around us through word, action, and deed.
The largest chunk of our ministry happened through interactions with the international student-workers that we became very close to. We were able to acquire Turkish and Russian Bibles which we gave to a few of our close friends.
One of the most impactful conversations that took place was while on a car ride over the summer. While driving back from the Greyhound station my coworker had a lot of questions about faith, Jesus, and our team’s positive outlook on life.
We were able to speak truth into this guy’s life and shed light on his questions while pointing towards Christ. When we gave him one of the Russian Bibles, we included a note in Russian encouraging him to continue asking questions and pursuing these thoughts he’d been having. This guy is now one of our best friends from the summer!
Daniel M., Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, 2017
The Lord said, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Attend a worship service in a park
during your next vacation