Experience the Church

I learned more of what it looks like to minister in a secular environment while trying to challenge people’s broken picture of Christianity in the world. Doing ministry in the workplace is humbling and challenging but I don’t think I’ve ever loved a group of people as much as I’ve loved these people at my work. I have learned to persevere and reflect good character even when its hard and I feel tired or like I just want to fit in and let someone else do the work.

I have become a much harder worker because I want to change people’s view of Christianity in this world.

I was aware of God at work through leading services this summer. We came across so many people that were just so blessed by our message and service and it was a blessing to see the body of Christ extending beyond my familiar church territory.

Experience the Church

We ran into a family who invited us to dinner one night at their cabin and multiple people who prayed for us after our service and even a couple of ACMNP Alumni! It was so cool to experience the Church in ways I haven’t before.

Haley C., Great Smoky Mountain National Park, 2015

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The Lord said, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

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