Becoming a Leader

My summer with ACMNP caused me to become a stronger leader in my faith. For the first time I spent a decent amount of time out of the Bible belt and realized that not everyone is a Christian or cares about the Christian faith.

I developed an understanding of what it means to not conform to this world.

God worked through the chances I had to preach this summer. This was the first time that I had ever preached and although I studied and wrote out my entire sermon, every time I stood up to speak, thoughts would come to my head that went with the sermon but I had not written them down.

Becoming a Leader

I am convinced that it was the Holy Spirit at work through me because I know that without God even the sermons I wrote would have been a struggle.

Drew B., Mount Rushmore National Memorial, 2013

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The Lord said, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

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