Seminary Scholarship

Practical theology in action

A Christian Ministry in the National Parks is one of the BEST ways to apply your theological education to practical life ministry while growing in pastoral and worship leadership skills!

Leadership Development

Nothing compares to the opportunities ACMNP offers to develop your Christian leadership gifts and skills in the context of a national or state park community. In addition to your full-time job in the park community, you will embrace the many ministry opportunities in your park community. Relational ministry, church planting, worship leading, preaching, stewardship, pastoral care, and cross-cultural outreach will all be a part of your experience. You will not be working for the leader. You will be the ministry leader. We will show you how to succeed and make an impact as Jesus Christ works through you to demonstrate the love of God with park visitors and your co-workers.

Advanced Leadership Development Program

Seminarians can also apply to be a part of ACMNP’s Advanced Leadership Development Program (ALDP). Each year 10-15 emerging leaders are selected to participate. ALDP participants will take a professional leadership assessment through The Lions Lead, a leadership development organization based in Indianapolis, Indiana. You will receive additional training, coaching, and interpretation of your leadership assessment. You will also assist with the park specific training events at the beginning of your season. As a member of the ALDP, you will be responsible for leading a team and completing a ministry project tailored to the needs in your park. After successfully completing your ministry responsibilities, you will receive a $1,000 scholarship in addition to your seminarian scholarship. You do not have to be a seminarian to be considered.


Seminarians and graduate students preparing for ministry are eligible for a $2,000 scholarship. Returning graduate students will receive $3,000. These funds are awarded when the student completes their commitments to their employer and ACMNP. Who is eligible for a scholarship? Graduate or seminary students entering school the semester immediately following their service in a park, current students, and recent graduates who begin their service with ACMNP within six months of graduation.

Ready to Apply?

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