June - September

Denali National Park & Preserve

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Denali National Park

​Alaska, The Last Frontier, is home to the tallest peak in North America. Denali is a striking 20,310 ft tall and is draped with glaciers containing melt water that run a stunning turquoise. Most have only one chance to see it, maybe this is YOUR chance!

To the Mountain, and Beyond

​After much preparation and saving, many people embark on a trip of a lifetime to Alaska, hoping the skies will be clear and the mountain will be out. The mountain isn’t the only attraction in Denali National Park, though. With the opportunity to take a bus 92 miles into the park, many see caribou, moose, and bear as well as the low-elevation forests, alpine tundra, and unique Alaskan flora. For more exploration, you can backpack through this remote, trail-less park.

What We Do

ACMNP in Denali provides:

  • Christian fellowship activities for visitors, residents, and employees
  • Leadership development for ministry team members and seminarians
  • Positive relationships among seasonal co-workers and internationals
  • Pastoral care during emergencies

Ministry Team Member Information

Our team in Denali is typically 2-4 ministry team members who both serve in the same location two miles outside of Denali National Park.

  • Summer only
  • Mentors available for seminarians (with their own transportation)
  • Catholic mass nearby for interested team members (with their own transportation)
  • Denali was established for the preservation of land and animals, not tourism, so it is very difficult for teams to get deep into the park. Much of teams’ involvement here involves worship and outreach amongst fellow employees rather than wilderness adventures

Employment Information

Ministry team members seek employment from Aramark at McKinley Chalet Resort near the entrance to Denali.

  • Area: 9,492 mi²
  • Established: ​February 26, 1917
  • Visitation: 642,809 in 2017

"I looked out over the valley to the mountain range beyond it. I expected to see one row of mountains, but instead saw dozens. There were endless rows of snow-capped peaks stretching far beyond the eye could see. I have never felt so small or so empowered to worship the One who created those."

Jenny B., 2014

Denali National Park & Preserve, AK

Park Experience FAQ's

What should I expect?

Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime? You have come to the right place. In addition to having a national park as your backyard, you will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful and important ministry efforts. National parks, although beautiful, are remote and challenging locations.

Can I choose my park?

While we cannot guarantee that you will get your top preference, we do consider your requests as we assemble teams. There is a section of the application where you will be able to list your top three park preferences.

If we are not able to offer you the park of your choosing, we will suggest an alternate park location that might fit with your interests and team needs. We ask that you apply to ACMNP for the ministry experience more than the park location, and we will do our best to find a good fit.

As you can imagine, team assembly is a complicated process. Every team member placement has to take into account employer needs, team needs, dates of availability, various ministry logistics, and applicant interests. We appreciate your flexibility and openness through this process. Trust us, by the end of a summer with ACMNP, every team member claims their national park as the best national park. There really is no bad placement!

What does a typical week look like?

One of the greatest ministry opportunities you will have is through your seasonal employment. Working 40-hours each week through the local hospitality concessionaire gives you the opportunity to get to know and work alongside those within the community. Not only does your employment provide you with an income, but working in this context gives you credibility for your ministry as you become friends with people who may have negative associations with Christians. That said, a big portion of your week will be your job, which is also a significant part of your ministry.

Can I apply with a friend?

Yes, you can absolutely apply with a friend! You will find a section on the application to indicate who you are hoping to serve with, please be sure to list them there.

If you are applying with a group of people, we would strongly encourage you to separate into pairs, and spread out into multiple parks. The experience is typically much stronger when you are serving on a team with new friends from different backgrounds. Not to mention, groups of friends serving in multiple parks generally enjoy sharing their experiences and encouraging one another from across the parks.

Who are we looking for?

  • Mature baptized followers of Jesus Christ.
  • Can affirm the principles of the Apostle's Creed, a common statement of faith.
  • Men and women, generally 18-30 years of age, who desire to grow as leaders and experience a challenging ministry adventure.
  • Ability and willingness to partner with people from different Christian backgrounds.
  • Ability and willingness to interact relationally with co-workers and park visitors of different faiths, backgrounds, and cultures.
  • Summer availability of at least 90 days, through August 20th or later (as close to Labor Day as possible).
  • High level of commitment to ministry and calling.

What will this cost me?

Ministry Team Members will actually earn an income through seasonal employment with private park hospitality companies (concessionaires). Additionally, seminarians enrolled in a seminary or theological graduate program will be eligible for a $2,000 scholarship stipend ($3,000 for returning seminarian leaders). If you are interested in our Advanced Leadership Development Program, you can earn $1000 through your participation. Room and board is provided at minimal cost and differs by national park location and employer. You will find quickly that living in a national park is very inexpensive, and most team members usually walk away with $2500-3500 in their pockets by the end of the summer!

ACMNP's ministry in the national parks is a specialized effort and presents unique challenges. Therefore, every ministry team member is required to attend the ACMNP National Training Conference. There is a $350 program fee to cover training, program, and season expenses. We have a reduced fee of $275 for returning alumni. Some team members choose to raise support to help cover these costs.

Please also note that Ministry Team Members are responsible for transportation to/from the training conference (Estes Park, CO April 12-14, 2024 or Indianapolis, IN May 10-12, 2024) and transportation to/from the national park where they will serve.

Embark on this experience of a lifetime

You are just a few clicks away from a life-changing season in a national park! Can you hear the call? What are you waiting for…

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Join an experience that will transform your life

The Lord said, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

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