New Opportunities & Seminary Degrees

I served with ACMNP for three seasons and each season presented new opportunities that impacted me differently. Each season pulled me out of my comfort zone making it easier for me to share Jesus with others.

I served in Olympic after graduating with my second seminary degree. I had been trying to become a pastor, and without much luck, questioned if God wanted me to do ministry and why I had spent so many years in seminary. Then on one of my days off, I was aimlessly walking up and down the beach praying as a feeling of peace washed over me assuring me that I was to be in ministry.

I wrote this down because I didn’t want to forget, and three years later, here I am beginning my first call.

New Opportunities & Seminary Degrees

I’m glad I did ACMNP because it was a great way for me to begin getting ministry experience and preparing messages. While there were challenging times, ACMNP pushed me to remember that we are God’s hands and feet. We are representatives for God in this world and people are aware of what we say and how we act. Every time I encountered people who were less than pleasant, it gave me the opportunity to be gracious, patient, kind, and embody God’s love. I got to encounter God through this beautiful world that He created!

Brittany M., Olympic National Park, 2015

Join an experience that will transform your life

The Lord said, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

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