God’s Handiwork

I am an alum from both summers of 1986 and 87. During my second summer in the Tetons, we hosted Vice President George H.W. Bush, his wife Barbara, and a grandson for worship at Signal Mountain Amphitheater. They were very impressed with ACMNP and spoke with each of us on the team. A short time later, we each received an 8×10 color print of that day that was taken by the White House press photographer.

I have returned to Grand Teton National Park and camped with 3 church youth groups, 1 boy scout troop, 3 trips with friends, and 1 trip with my 19 year old son. The Tetons, as God’s wonderland, are infectious and never disappoint. I am retiring this December from 35 years of Presbyterian ministry and shall return to encounter God again.

More than anything, this experience taught me self-reliance, communication skills, and an openness to God’s handiwork in every part of creation and in every person. ACMNP made this possible, and I will be forever grateful.

Stephen – 1986 & 1987 Grand Teton National Park Alumni

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The Lord said, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

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