Far From Easy

I grew in such miraculous ways this summer. I went into the summer expecting it to be a breeze. I expected to grow and hopefully even bring some of my coworkers to Christ.

I had no idea that this would be more about my own personal growth in my relationship with my Savior.

Far From Easy

Right around the second weekend, I realized that this experience was going to be far from easy. I realized that I couldn’t be complacent if I wanted to see change in the world. If I wanted to see people come to Christ and if I wanted to see my own relationship blossom, I had to fully rely on the only One who could supply me with the strength to work long days and then have enough energy to form meaningful relationships with my coworkers.

Kyle H., Bryce Canyon National Park, 2015

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The Lord said, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

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