​Custer State Park

​Custer State Park

Virtually popping up out of nowhere in Western South Dakota is 71,000 acres of granite spires and cliffs, gentle mountain summits, rolling green hills, sparkling blue waters, huge skies, and open ranges of the wild west.

Sylvan Lake Lodge Veranda

State Game Lodge Chapel

Blue Bell Outdoor Chapel

Beauty to be in Awe of

God is awesome! I was amazed all summer at how creative He is in designing such a beautiful country that is so varied.

Light to the World

God taught me that most of the world is lost and dead in their sins.

Released to Trust

The summer was full of new experiences and insights, but one thing I was hyper aware of from my first day…

Shaped Hearts

How did I NOT grow this summer! I grew to find beauty in the world; I think I went in feeling like a missionary to a world of evil…

Joyfully Reflecting Christ

Some weeks I found myself stressed out about what to share at a Sunday service, but God always had planned something to happen that week for a certain message to be on my heart.